4 Taylor Swift Songs to Describe the Journey Home with KBT

Four Taylor Swift songs to describe the journey home with KBT

Whether you’re a dedicated Swiftie or think that her Eras Tour is just a cruel summer joke, this is undoubtedly the season of all things Taylor Swift. And because Knight Barry Title wanted to join the fun, our team compiled a list of four T-Swift songs with everything to do with the real estate landscape right now. Please pass this along to anyone you think will enjoy it. Also if you haven’t watched the video from our COO Craig Haskins, you’re missing out! Check it out on social.   

Shake It Off

Whether it’s because of high-interest rates, low inventory or just general uncertainty, this fun song from her 1989 album perfectly encapsulates what buyers, sellers and our fellow real estate professionals have had to do from time to time this year. “Shake it off,” and ignore the haters who say it’s a bad time to buy or sell. The truth is everyone’s situation is unique, and there’s a whole group of people, including those of us at Knight Barry Title who are invested in your success.

Forever and Always

This choice is certainly a throwback – this lesser-known song is on the “Fearless” album, but it’s a perfect basic example of how owner’s title insurance works. After all, a policy – after an accompanying title search done by our professional team – secures your property rights “forever and always” or at least as long as you or your heirs own that home. We’ll ignore the fact the promise referenced in this song turned out to be an empty one. Call it creative license. 

The Great American Dynasty

This newish song from “Folklore” is all about the colorful history of a property in Rhode Island, specifically the ”Holiday House,” which Swift herself now owns. Since our team loves our real estate and history – going through the chain of title is all about uncovering history – it’s one that really speaks to us, now and forever.

Today Was a Fairytale

Another song that’s not as well known but is the perfect way to describe what we want your closing to feel like when you work with KBT.
Our Knight Barry Title people work hard to guide you to the finish line so there’s a happy ending for all involved. There’s certainly magic in the air every closing day.If you ever have any questions, speak now and let us know. Knight Barry Title is always here for you, and we want to be part of your success all summer long.